3 Ways To Regain Control Of Overwhelming Emotions

Everyone experiences overwhelming emotions from time to time, whether it be from stress, anxiety, or even just a difficult day. It’s important to remember that our emotions don’t control us, we control our emotions. There are several strategies you can use to regain control when emotions start to become overwhelming. Here are three effective ways to help you get back in control and manage your emotions. By learning to regulate your emotions, you can lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

Imagine yourself standing at the shore of an ocean. The ocean symbolises our emotions. Some days, the waves are small and gentle, just like our emotions are calm and manageable. Other times, there may be larger waves, representing emotions that are more intense but still manageable. But, every once in a while, a WIPEOUT wave comes out of nowhere and completely takes us by surprise, just like those unexpected and overwhelming emotions that we all experience. Our goal is to find peace and serenity in the ocean of our emotions, just as we hope to find peace and serenity in life. And just like how a surfer approaches the waves, there are ways for us to regain control of our emotions when they start to overwhelm us and it is comforting knowing that we do have control.

It’s true, the things we have complete control over in our lives are our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and reactions. These are the things that shape our experiences and determine how we interact with the world around us. While we may not always have control over external circumstances, we always have the power to control our internal response to those circumstances. By learning to control our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and reactions, we can take back control of our lives and shape our experiences in a positive way.

However, it’s important to note that gaining control of these internal processes is a journey, not a destination. It takes time and effort to develop a greater awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and to learn how to manage them in a healthy and productive way. But, the reward of having control over these internal processes is a life that is more fulfilling, meaningful, and peaceful.

In this blog, we will explore the different ways in which we can take control of our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and reactions, and how this control can lead to a life that is more harmonious, balanced, and joyful.


Starting your day off on the right foot is crucial for setting the tone for the rest of the day. This is especially true when your emotions are heightened and you’re feeling overwhelmed. It’s not uncommon to feel a sense of disorientation and instability when emotions run high, and one of the first things that can get affected is our breathing.

This is where the power of simply pausing and getting back to your breath comes in. When you take a moment to focus on your breath, you’re able to regain a sense of calm and control, which can have a ripple effect on your entire body and mind. I believe, our breathing is the foundation of our emotional state, and when it’s out of control, it can contribute to feelings of anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.

But when you slow down and pay attention to your breath, you’re able to shift your focus from your emotions to your physical sensations, which can help to ground you in the present moment. This is the essence of mindfulness, and it’s a simple yet powerful technique for regaining control of your emotions.

Explore how taking a few minutes each morning to focus on your breath can help you start your day off right, even when your emotions are heightened. By learning to regulate your breathing, you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever challenges come your way and lead a life that’s more balanced and fulfilling.

Something I suggest you could try is:

  • Close your eyes, place your hand on your heart or your belly and breathe into your hand with a long, calm, expansive breath. If you feel that you are taking short, sharp breaths work towards long, expansive and calm breaths. Always remember, that your mindset is impacted by the quality of your breath.


Breathing is one of the most basic and essential functions of our body, but sometimes, in moments of stress or anxiety, we tend to take short, shallow breaths. This type of breathing is often referred to as “chest breathing.” When we breathe in this manner, it sends a message to our brain that we are in danger, causing an increase in stress levels.

On the other hand, deep, slow, and controlled breaths have a calming effect on our body and mind. By taking deep breaths, we are able to oxygenate our bodies properly, which can help reduce stress and improve our overall well-being.

If you find yourself taking short, sharp breaths, take a moment to pause and focus on your breathing. Remember that the quality of your breath is directly connected to your level of relaxation. So, instead of taking short, shallow breaths, try to take full, rich, and expansive breaths.

If you are at an event or even at the shops and you are having a particularly stressful moment, take yourself somewhere where you can be alone ie. your car or bathroom and breathe in deeply through your nose, filling your lungs to capacity. Hold the breath for a moment, then slowly exhale through your mouth. Repeat this process several times, focusing on making each inhale and exhale slow and controlled.

This simple breathing exercise can help you calm your mind and reduce stress. And, with regular practice, you’ll be able to incorporate this technique into your daily life, making it a natural part of your self-care routine.

It’s important to remember that you are in control of the quality of your breath. By breathing better, you can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. Take a moment to focus on your breathing each day to enjoy a calmer day.


The second hack to help you manage overwhelming emotions is to incorporate the use of mantras. A mantra is a phrase or sound that is repeated over and over again to help calm the mind and focus your thoughts. The mantra that I personally love and find effective is one that was taught to me by my meditation teacher: “this too shall pass“. This simple phrase serves as a reminder that no matter what difficulties or challenges you are facing, they are temporary and will eventually pass.

Using this mantra can help bring a sense of perspective and ease to even the most difficult of situations. Whenever you feel overwhelmed or stressed, simply repeat the phrase to yourself, either in your head or out loud. By doing so, you can bring a sense of peace and calm to your mind, allowing you to approach the situation with a clearer and more centered mindset.

Incorporating the use of mantras into your daily routine can be a powerful tool in managing stress and anxiety. Give it a try and see how it works for you!

 Nothing in life is permanent, not even you.

Life can be full of ups and downs, and it’s important to remember that nothing is permanent. When we’re going through tough times, it can be easy to get caught up in the moment and feel like things will never get better. But the truth is, everything is constantly changing, and even our biggest struggles will eventually pass.

When I find myself overwhelmed with emotions, I’ve found that repeating the phrase ‘this too shall pass’ can be a really helpful coping mechanism. It’s a reminder that whatever I’m going through is just temporary, and that there is hope for a brighter tomorrow. So if you’re feeling down or stuck in a difficult situation, try repeating this mantra to yourself and see if it helps you find some peace and perspective. Remember, no matter how tough things may seem, they won’t last forever – and you have the strength to get through them.


One of my all-time favourite things to do is meditate, and it’s been a huge help for me in managing stress and finding some peace and quiet in my day-to-day life. Whether I’m at home or out and about, I always make sure to find a few minutes to sit down, close my eyes, and just breathe.

If I’m out and about and don’t have access to a quiet space, I’ve found that even just sitting in my car can do the trick. I’ll put on one of the guided meditations that I’ve shared on my YouTube channel, and I allow myself to be transported to a calmer, more peaceful place.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need a moment to recharge, I highly recommend giving meditation a try. And if you’re not sure where to start, head on over to my YouTube channel where you’ll find a variety of guided meditations to choose from. Trust me, even just a few minutes of quiet reflection can make all the difference in your day.

Have you ever felt like your emotions are running wild and you just can’t seem to get a handle on them? I know I certainly have – it’s all too easy to get swept up in our feelings and lose touch with ourselves in the process. That’s why I firmly believe that having a regular meditation practice can be a real game-changer, especially when your emotions are heightened.

When you’re feeling out of control, it’s like something else has taken over and you’re not quite yourself. But by getting back to your body and focusing on your breath, you can start to ground yourself and regain a sense of calm. It’s a way of reminding yourself that you are in control, and that your thoughts and feelings don’t have to define you.

That’s why I think everyone should give meditation a try, especially when they’re feeling overwhelmed. By taking a few minutes to sit in stillness and connect with your breath, you can find a sense of inner peace and calm that will help you weather any storm. So next time you’re feeling out of sorts, try taking a few deep breaths and see how it makes you feel. I promise, it’s worth it!

When it comes to managing stress and finding some peace in our busy lives, meditation can be a real lifesaver. And the best part? You don’t need hours of spare time to reap the benefits. Even just a few minutes of meditation can make a world of difference.

If you’re short on time in the morning I highly recommend heading over to YouTube and searching for a five-minute meditation. It’s amazing how much calmer and more centered you can feel after just a couple of minutes of quiet reflection.

Of course, if you have a bit more time to spare, there are plenty of longer meditations out there as well. If you’ve got 20 minutes to spare, why not look up a 20-minute meditation to really sink into the practice? And if you’ve got a full hour to devote to your wellbeing, there are plenty of hour-long meditations available too.

The key is to find what works for you and your schedule, and to make meditation a regular part of your routine. Whether you’ve got just a few minutes to spare or a full hour to spare, there’s a meditation out there for you!

Overall, managing overwhelming emotions can be challenging, but with the right tools and techniques, you can learn to regain control and live a more balanced life.

Remember to be kind to yourself and give yourself time to heal and deal.

If you find that you are struggling to manage your emotions, it may be helpful to speak with a therapist or coach who can offer additional support.