How to Conquer Self-Doubt and Boost Your Confidence

Firstly, repeat after me: I AM CAPABLE OF AMAZING THINGS. Don’t allow self-doubt to dim your light. You are capable of amazing things. It’s a sentiment we often hear, but truly believing it can be a challenge. I’ve been there myself, doubting my abilities in various careers, wondering if I’m good enough or if I’ll…

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You Don’t HAVE To Forgive The Person Who Hurt You

Have you ever been told you “have to forgive” to heal? How did you deal with it?  Let’s talk about forgiveness. It’s a word that often gets thrown around like confetti at a party, symbolising celebration, joy, and letting go. However, when it comes to healing from a toxic relationship, forgiveness can feel more like…

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You Deserve a Life Without Hating Your BODY!

The feeling of disliking your own body is a pervasive struggle, and it’s important to acknowledge that. But here’s the empowering truth: you have the power to break free from this negativity and live a life filled with self-compassion. Recognising the struggle is the first step towards change. Accept that it’s okay to feel this…

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If It Doesn’t Give You Peace Anymore, It’s Time To Let Go

Have you ever found yourself tethered to something in your life that seems to drag you down, like an anchor in a stormy sea? It might be a job that once ignited your passion but now feels like a burden, or a relationship that has lost its spark and joy. Letting go of these anchors…

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Are You Wasting Time in Wrong Relationships?

Have you ever been caught in a relationship that seemed to be going absolutely nowhere? You know, the kind of relationship where you feel like you’re just not getting what you need, you’re unhappy, and you’re not being treated with the respect you deserve? And deep down, you probably knew it wasn’t working, but for…

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10 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Your Teen’s Brain

As a parent, understanding your teenager’s brain is seriously fascinating and super important for helping them grow and develop. You know, during adolescence, their brain goes through some major changes that affect how they act, feel, and make decisions. It’s like their brain has two sides – an impulsive one and a cautious one –…

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What Is Myofascial Release and Does It Work?

So What Is Myofascial Release and Does It Work? Let’s start with this question: What is Myofascial Tissue? It’s a complex network of tissue that permeates your entire body, connecting your muscles, joints, and bones. It plays a crucial role in providing support to your organs, ensuring they stay in their proper positions. If you…

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9 Health Upgrades From Meditation

Meditation might seem easy, but it actually requires practice and discipline. Some people find it hard because they ‘can’t stop thinking’ or the ‘can’t stay still for that long’ but you know what? I had all of those excuses too. Trust me, it’s definitely worth investing your time on. The amount of people that ask…

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How to Never be Bloated Again

Almost everyone of us has experienced bloating at some point of our lives. Especially after wolfing down all the good stuff from birthdays, celebrations, and all sorts of special occasions! I’ve been there multiple times and I totally hate the gassy feeling after enjoying awesome food. So how do we prevent this from happening? Let’s…

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What is Sleep Hygiene?

I don’t know about you, but the quality of my sleep can affect the quality of my days, that’s why I take it seriously. Just as we maintain our own personal hygiene, it’s important to maintain our sleep hygiene. WHAT IS SLEEP HYGIENE? ‘Sleep hygiene’ refers to healthy habits, behaviours, and environmental factors that can…

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