15: Raise Your Consciousness As You Raise Your Child with Michelle Diasinos
Michelle Diasinos is a parent coach and advocate for the Conscious Parenthood movement. Michelle holds space for mothers as they journey towards bringing more presence, playfulness and peace to one of life’s most sacred works.
Michelle hosts The Conscious Parent Podcast where she shares approaches on how to parent more consciously, personal insights on her own parenting journey, and unique, inspiring stories from parents who are striving to live boldly in their fullest expression while illuminating the path for our next generation.
Michelle lives in Sydney Australia with her husband Phill and children Leo and Eva.
In today’s show we chat about:
-What exactly a parent coach is
-Michelle explains what strong-arming is and how it is so easily done as a parent
-How avoiding strong arming can positively affect your relationship with your child
-What the hell is conscious parenting is
-When conscious parenting is required
-We chat about unconscious parenting and the causes of that
-We also go deeper as we chat about reversing unconscious parenting
-Some of the traps parents fall into when it comes to conditional love
-Why you shouldn’t lose your cool when you child asks the same question a million times
-We go through a script of problem-solving with your child when it comes to discipline
-Michelle gives us a very powerful tactic that reveals our own expectations for our child and how we are shaping them
-We chat about that child that wants a lolly in the morning and how to handle that situation
-The big no-no when it comes to disciplining your child and why we discipline the way we do
-What happens when you bribe your child
-How to get your child off technology, calmly
-We talk about anxiety in primary aged children and a strategy you as a parent can use to help your child
-And so much more..!
Instagram: @michelle.diasinos
Website: www.michellediasinos.com